help for hurting hearts
Have you reached a place where your circumstances, relationships or other factors are causing you severe emotional pain? Are you finding it difficult to claim God's promises over your life?
Jesus said that He came to give us life and that more abundantly. You are a child of promise and should be experiencing the fullness of Christ despite the wounds of the past or the circumstances around you. God wants to remove any barriers to spiritual and emotional health in your life and heal, restore and set you free. Jesus is the Balm of Gilead. He is the ointment that can soothe and heal the wounds of God's children. There is help for your hurting heart. We are here to minister to your counseling needs. However, we can't emphasize enough that our counselors are merely vessels that can assist you as you walk through the door towards healing and freedom, and it is only the redemptive power of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit that can heal you from the inside out. We take very seriously the lives that God entrusts to our care and consider it a privilege to minister to your needs. |
the process
Those seeking counseling must be willing to commit to an intensive counseling process designed to shed light on the driving factors behind unhealthy behaviors and emotional pain.
Whatever your struggle, there is a root cause for all the unhealthy coping mechanisms that have been erected in order to survive, which have led to more pain and more layers of bondage. This process will uncover faulty belief systems leading to emotional and spiritual death replacing them with God's truth which leads to abundant life. From there we can begin to gain our identity as a precious child of the living God and know our value and worth in our loving Savior Jesus Christ. We will then stop looking to people, places and things to get our needs met and instead find our sufficiency in Christ and His purpose and calling for our lives. That's where we find true healing and freedom. |
individual counseling for...Abuse
Anger Anxiety Codependency Control Issues Critical Spirit Depression Fear Grief Guilt Intimacy Issues Loss Marriage Issues Relationship Issues Sexual Abuse Shame Trauma Trust Issues Unforgiveness Premarital Counseling Marriage Counseling |
To participate in the counseling process, we do require that you make counseling appointments a priority and do everything possible to keep all scheduled appointments. We are here to serve you, but we can’t reiterate enough the level of healing and freedom that you receive is contingent on the time and effort you are willing to invest in your personal healing process.
donation based
We provide counseling services on a sliding scale donation basis. Our desire is to provide quality affordable counseling services for God's hurting people. All we require is a genuine commitment to the counseling process.
We offer in office. Zoom, or Skype counseling services for your convenience.
To schedule and appointment click below.
To schedule and appointment click below.