Christ-Centered Counseling Training
Welcome to our Self-Guided Counseling Training Program! You are taking our self-study course that allows you to train at your own pace. The classes are a compilation of videos and recordings of past live training classes. Handouts
Please download the handouts before the teaching portion of the class, as your instructor will often reference the handouts. Books
We will be teaching from multiple books: [View Book List] which you can also see in each section, as listed. Please note: If you have received counseling at our ministry, then you may have already read Hurting Hearts Restored. Nonetheless, during counseling training, you will need to take your "counselee" hat off and put your counselor hat on in order to gain the tools to make you an effective counselor ministering to God’s hurting people. Assignments
The only assignment you are required to complete is a Class Summary. You will submit a quick summary (three or four sentences) of each class and your personal takeaway – the one thing that spoke to you. The summary operates as a system of record for class/lecture completion. To ensure you have completed all required steps, please ensure you download our Class Checklist provided under the welcome section. You will see the Class Summary button available in each section. Questions
Our director is available for questions or for more clarity regarding a subject matter. Please contact our Help Desk, and someone will reach out to schedule a one-on-one with the training director. We are excited that you are training with us and look forward to all that God will do in and through you as He equips you to minister to His hurting people. God bless you! Course Index
0. Introduction 1. Hurting Hearts Restored 2. Families In Recovery 3. Breaking Free - Codependence Workshop 4. The Danger Of False Doctrine 5. Counseling Common Life Issues |
Please read through the 5 topics on the left and download the class checklist below before you begin this course.